Zamned of the Lost Memory), is an anime series, conceptualized by Bones and co-developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, Aniplex and Bones, which made its debut on Sony's inaugural launch of the PlayStation Network (PSN) video download service at E3 in the United … Hige o Soru.
Akiyuki was affected by the explosion and morphs into a Xam'd, a strange being that will go on a rampage before eventually turning to stone. View production, box office, & company info. It exists in a state of dreamlike tranquility, cut off from the war between the Northern Government and the Southern Continent Free Zone. Looking for information on the anime Bounen no Xamdou (Xam'd: Lost Memories)? The Xam'd: Lost Memories Cast. If you're really interested the show is on Netflix right now as of 5/5/13.
Storyline A young man named Akiyuki is a victim of a terrorist attack perpetrated on his peaceful island during wartime. If you like one there is a good chance you will like the other.